AfterEllen.Com: JagandCo Returns To Brooklyn Museum


jaguar beckford 

 September 19, 2015

Backstage at VERGE: Queer New York Fashion Week’s event with out models and designers...

Last night at the Brooklyn Museum, queer fashion had its part in New York Fashion Week. dapperQbklyn boihoodPosture Magazine and D.Y.D.H. Productions put togetherVERGE, eight different collections from queer designers: Fabio Costa of NotEqualKaren Quirion ofKQKSunSunJag & Co.Sandra GagaloLACTICFony and MARKANTOINE. More than 70 models took the stage, including Marcia Alvarado, Rain Dove and Merika Palmiste, all of whom walked as male models in other NYFW shows.

Check out this gallery of the models and designers backstage, attendees posing on the carpet, and other special guests who sat front row.


By Trish Bendix on